Visibility of your work
I spy with my little eye… nothing, because I can’t see what you see
Even when you work hard and deliver awesome quality, it's of no use when no one can see the fruit of your labor. Read on why it's important to keep your work visible, not just to your boss, but also your teammates.

Behind every great team are great leaders
How to develop leaders and elevate the whole team
Leaders aren't appointed, they are cultivated. Read about how to encourage leadership qualities among your team members, and how to build an environment where great leaders can emerge.

Build things right or build the right things?
Why personal growth makes better teams
Strong teams support the growth of their members. Read on how to avoid being a code monkey and what to do to become a strong developer.

Heads or Tails?
Team decisions made easy
Deciding on something in a group can be a complicated process. Read about different methods for group decision making, and why it's important to pick one.

Team diversity
A measure of a team's success
Diversity is a measure of the variety of what something is made up of. Diversity isn’t normally a measure of outcome. But more and more, studies are telling us just that, the diversity of a team can predict its success.